We provide medical plans for companies ranging in size between 2 to 1000 employees. Metro Atlanta Financial Group can customize a plan for you, even if your employees are located in one or multiple locations. Please complete the employee census form on our Group Quotes page and a member of our sales team will contact you.
Health Insurance Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)
What is the best health insurance plan for my company?
At Metro Atlanta Financial Group, we understand how frustrating it can be to find the right group health insurance plan for your business. Many people may not understand exactly how health insurance works and may not be familiar with health insurance terminology.
The best way to help yourself decide which plan is best for your business is to understand the health care needs and financial constraints that you and your employees face. To get started, you and your employees should answer these questions:
- How often do you utilize medical services?
- Will you need coverage for benefits such as prescription drugs, chiropractic care or maternity coverage?
- Is coverage for preventive care checkups important to you or are you more concerned about coverage in case of a major injury or illness?
- What kind of monthly premium can you afford?
- What kind of deductible, if any, are you willing to pay on an annual basis before your coverage begins?
- Is it important to you to be able to see any doctor you want to, or are you willing to work within a provider network or through a primary care physician?
What is a PPO?
A PPO is a collection of physicians and hospitals that agree to provide health care at a reduced cost to PPO members. As a member of a PPO, or “Preferred Provider Organization,” plan, you’ll be encouraged to use the insurance company’s network of participating doctors and hospitals. These providers have been contracted to provide services to the plan’s members at a discounted rate. You won’t be required to pick a primary care physician and you will be able to see doctors and specialists within the network at your own discretion.
You will probably have an annual deductible to pay before the insurance company begins paying your claims. Once the deductible is met, you’ll be required to make a co-payment for most doctors’ office visits. Some plans may also require that you cover a percentage of the total charges.
With a PPO plan, services rendered by an out-of-network physician are typically covered at a lower percentage than services rendered by a network physician. Seeing an out-of-network provider can become costly. For example, if you visit an out-of-network provider for services totaling $500, the PPO plan may cover the charge at only 60% of the amount that a network provider would charge for the same service. If a network doctor would accept $250 as payment in full, this means that the insurance company would pay only $150 and the remaining $350 would come out of your pocket. Additionally, if you see a provider outside of the plan’s network, you may have to pay the charges up front and then submit your own claim for reimbursement.
PPO plans offer flexibility in choosing your providers, however, make sure that you familiarize yourself with the plan’s provider network before choosing a PPO plan. You may wish to make sure that your favorite doctor or local hospital belongs to the network. If you have children who need to make regular visits to the doctor, be sure that you’re aware of the plan’s benefits for preventive and well-child care.
What is an HMO?
Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) have the lowest premiums of any type of employee health insurance. There are two types of HMOs, open access and closed access. Open Access plans do not require a member to select a primary care physician, although one is recommended. You also do not need referrals from a primary care physician to see a specialist doctor. Closed access HMOs are the least flexible type of health care plan: they require members to choose a primary care physician and get referrals to visit other physicians.

Employee Benefits
Health Insurance, Dental Insurance, Life Insurance, Short Term Disability, Long Term Disability, Flexible Spending Accounts, Long Term Care & The Benefits Portal
Individual & Family
Health Insurance, Health Savings Accounts (HSA), Life Insurance & Student Health Insurance
Retirement Planning
Simplified Employee Benefits, Profit Sharing Plans, Simple IRA Plans, 401 (k) Plans, Executive Compensation, Traditional IRAs & Roth IRAs